The first week in October is one of the most important weeks for public school because this is the week when student attendance determines school funding. While attendance is important every single day, next week's student count will decide how much money our district will receive. To celebrate Count Week, we will have theme days:
Monday-Bengal's Day
Tuesday- Hat Day
Wednesday-Wacky Wednesday
Thursday-Dress Up Day
Friday-Spirit Day
On Friday, every child who has perfect attendance for the week will be treated to icecream!
If it is necessary that your child not be in school on one of these days, it is imperative that you send in a note explaining the absence.
The literature projects were incredible! Ths is the first time EVER that every student completed his/her literature project on time. The creativity of this group is amazing!
Today was the first monthly AR lunch to honor those students who met their monthly goals. As a reward for meeting these individually set goals, students eat lunch in the classroom with me and I provide a treat, usually a sweet. Morgan, Caleb, Nick, James, Jared, and Caitlin all met their September goals! Way to go Star Readers!
The next AR lunch will be on October 31. Students can start working towards their goals now!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Today we read chapters 7 and 8 in The Toothpaste Millionaire and then began creating a sandwich to get to the meat of the story.
ART supplies needed! The art room needs large poster board (any color except black) and colored crepe paper rolls (streamers). They will be used to create the props for the fourth grade musical .
Reading-bread and meat layers of sandwich
Social Studies-test (Congratulations Taryn! You had the highest grade!)
Science-scientific method flip book
Math-finish workbook 17
Language-Compound sentences worksheet 15
For tomorrow:
Students with missing work will not be permitted to watch the good behavior movie!
Finish literature project.
Study for spelling test.
Complete homework packet and spelling 50 points.
ART supplies needed! The art room needs large poster board (any color except black) and colored crepe paper rolls (streamers). They will be used to create the props for the fourth grade musical .
Reading-bread and meat layers of sandwich
Social Studies-test (Congratulations Taryn! You had the highest grade!)
Science-scientific method flip book
Math-finish workbook 17
Language-Compound sentences worksheet 15
For tomorrow:
Students with missing work will not be permitted to watch the good behavior movie!
Finish literature project.
Study for spelling test.
Complete homework packet and spelling 50 points.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Finally, some rain!
Think Link testing is finished for now. In December we will retest and look for the progress each student has made. This will help us to determine the types and amount of intervention needed for each student.
Math-workbook 17 (Estimating)
Science-What's the Method? worksheet
Social Studies-reviewed for test on Chapter 1
Reading-continued in The Toothpaste Millionaire
Study for social studies test
For Friday:
Finish Literature Project
Study for spelling test
Math-workbook 17 (Estimating)
Science-What's the Method? worksheet
Social Studies-reviewed for test on Chapter 1
Reading-continued in The Toothpaste Millionaire
Study for social studies test
For Friday:
Finish Literature Project
Study for spelling test
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Tuesday, Another Hot One
Who would have thought that it would still be this hot in September? Hopefully the weather breaks as predicted!
If you have any items that you would like to donate to our first student auction, we will gladly accept them. Individuals drinks or snacks would be great!
FYI: Deposits for the trip to Washington D.C. must be made by October 8.
Social Studies- text p. 27; study for test
Math-workbook p. 16
Reading-Why is it paste?
Science-Begin flip book on scientific method
Finish literature projects!
If you have any items that you would like to donate to our first student auction, we will gladly accept them. Individuals drinks or snacks would be great!
FYI: Deposits for the trip to Washington D.C. must be made by October 8.
Social Studies- text p. 27; study for test
Math-workbook p. 16
Reading-Why is it paste?
Science-Begin flip book on scientific method
Finish literature projects!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Think Link Testing
Starting off a week with testing, not an easy thing to do, but fourth graders are amazing-they always put forth their best effort. Today's test was a diagnostic test in reading. Its purpose is to show where each student's strengths and weaknesses lie. This will help me determine which indicators to teach and how much emphasis to place on each. On Wednesday we will do the same thing for math. These tests are not graded, but they do give us some indication as to how well each student would perform on the Ohio Achievement Tests if they were given today.
FYI: Deposits for the trip to Washington D.C. must be made by October 8.
Math-workbook p. 15 (We began chapter 2 today.)
Language-Journal entry (We played a game called Baffle Gab.)
Reading-Read chapter 1, 2 in Toothpaste Millionaire. (We will be using a tradebook, not the textbook, for the next two weeks). Complete worksheet.
Social Studies-Crossword puzzle review
Finish literature projects!
FYI: Deposits for the trip to Washington D.C. must be made by October 8.
Math-workbook p. 15 (We began chapter 2 today.)
Language-Journal entry (We played a game called Baffle Gab.)
Reading-Read chapter 1, 2 in Toothpaste Millionaire. (We will be using a tradebook, not the textbook, for the next two weeks). Complete worksheet.
Social Studies-Crossword puzzle review
Finish literature projects!
Friday, September 21, 2007
1, 2, 3, 4 Let's Start a Thumb War!
Mr. Fs Thumb War Champs are Quinten and Elliott!
Today we did test prep for reading (Lesson 3) and writing (Lesson 6). We also took our spelling test, reviewed our math test and practiced ordinal directions in social studies. Instead of p.e., we went an assembly "Tall Trees" during which we learned some Native American sign language, songs, and stories. The best part was when we got to sing along with Robert and Terry Lynn Talltrees.
Spelling 50 points
Work on literature project...speaking of- a rubric is in today's Friday folder!
Today we did test prep for reading (Lesson 3) and writing (Lesson 6). We also took our spelling test, reviewed our math test and practiced ordinal directions in social studies. Instead of p.e., we went an assembly "Tall Trees" during which we learned some Native American sign language, songs, and stories. The best part was when we got to sing along with Robert and Terry Lynn Talltrees.
Spelling 50 points
Work on literature project...speaking of- a rubric is in today's Friday folder!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Thumb Wars and the Scientific Method
If your child came home and told you that we are thumb wrestling in science, well, it's true! As we get used to using the scientific method, we are doing fun things too, including eating M&Ms and thumb wrestling. In Mrs. W's class, Phillip and Katlin are the Thumb War Champions. In Mrs. P's class, Jared and Holly took top honors. Mr. F's class will finish their wars tomorrow.
Today we:
Today we:
- took our reading test.
- took our math test.
- worked in our Writing Buckle Down-lesson 6, activity 1.
- wrote about fall for a hallway display.
- continued to study about the regions of Ohio.
Tomorrow we will:
- take our spelling test.
- turn in our spelling packet.
- turn in our homework packet.
- bring home our Friday Folders.
Today's All Stars:
Holly and Bryce
Congratulations to Morgan and her family! Her baby brother was born on Monday!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Early Release Day
Don't forget today is Early Release Day and the students will be dismissing two hours earlier than ususal.
For tomorrow:

For tomorrow:
- Study for reading test.
- Study for math test. If you want extra credit, do text p. 48 and 49.
- If you did not finish the social studies paper on Regions, then do so.
- Work on homework packet.
- Work on spelling packet.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Tomorrow is Talk Like a Pirate Day (and Early Release Day)!

Speaking of pirates, we will be attending the new "Real Pirates" exhibit at the Museum Center on Wednesday, October 3. While there we will also see the Omnimax film The Alps. Permission slips will be coming home in this week's Friday folder.
Today we began a new experiment to practice using the scientific method-Thumb Wars. We measured the circumference of each student's thumb and wrist and the length of each person's thumb in order to compare the data and make a prediction about who would be the Thumb War Champion. On Thursday we will form a hypothesis about who will win based on our data and then test our data.
Football No More: Due to a rash of incidents on the playground, there will be no more playing of American football. Also, students are NOT permitted to bring their own recess equipment to school. Equipment is provided every day.
Caterpillar Update: We have been hosting a monarch caterpillar for the past two weeks. Last night "he" went into a chrysalis! When we arrived this morning, what a surprise! The sickly looking caterpillar had formed a beautiful, jewel-like chrysalis! Thanks to all who provided milkweed for our caterpillar, especially Holly!
Math-Study for chapter test Thursday. Text p. 48-49 are for extra credit.
Science-Begin thumb war lab
Reading-Discuss "Coyote School News"; Quiz Thursday
Social Studies-finish Ohio relief map; worksheet
Monday, September 17, 2007
Week of Sept. 17
Lots of students were exceptionally well-dressed today, but sorry, pictures are not until NEXT Monday:)
Homework packets are coming home today- one math page, one social studies page (front and back), and two pages of science-one to read, one to answer.
Spelling came home in the Friday Folder last week. Please remember that the spelling activities are not optional. If your child chooses to complete only one 5 point activity, that equals a 10%.
Math p. 11-12
Reading-Read The Coyote School News; vocab. 64
Science-Observation/Inference Quiz; debrief M&M lab
Both due Friday
Literature Project
Due September 28
Homework packets are coming home today- one math page, one social studies page (front and back), and two pages of science-one to read, one to answer.
Spelling came home in the Friday Folder last week. Please remember that the spelling activities are not optional. If your child chooses to complete only one 5 point activity, that equals a 10%.
Math p. 11-12
Reading-Read The Coyote School News; vocab. 64
Science-Observation/Inference Quiz; debrief M&M lab
Both due Friday
Literature Project
Due September 28
Friday, September 14, 2007
Have a great weekend!
Please remember to check your child's Friday Folder each Friday (or last day of the week) and SIGN and RETURN the left half of the Friday Folder Report. It helps me to know that you know that I know...about your child's progress:)
If your child has not already selected a realistic fiction book for his/her literature project, please help them do so or let me know so that I can help them choose an appropriate book. The project and presentation will take place on Sept. 28.
All students in Grades 2,3, and 4 will use a computerized diagnostic testing program called ThinkLink during the week of Sept. 24. Fourth grade students are assigned to the computer lab on Monday and Wednesday of that week. This is the first time for fourth graders, but the second grade teachers have raved about its effectiveness.

Today we learned about the scientific method using M&Ms, took a spelling test, practiced counting money in math, painted our Ohio maps, and used our Reading Buckle Down for test preparation. Ask your child for details!
The weather should be much better this weekend-ENJOY!
If your child has not already selected a realistic fiction book for his/her literature project, please help them do so or let me know so that I can help them choose an appropriate book. The project and presentation will take place on Sept. 28.
All students in Grades 2,3, and 4 will use a computerized diagnostic testing program called ThinkLink during the week of Sept. 24. Fourth grade students are assigned to the computer lab on Monday and Wednesday of that week. This is the first time for fourth graders, but the second grade teachers have raved about its effectiveness.

Today we learned about the scientific method using M&Ms, took a spelling test, practiced counting money in math, painted our Ohio maps, and used our Reading Buckle Down for test preparation. Ask your child for details!
The weather should be much better this weekend-ENJOY!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Don't forget to turn in homework!
Tonight's To Do List
- Make sure spelling is finished and in backpack to turn in tomorrow.
- Make sure homework packet is completed and in backpack to turn in tomorrow. Put name on all pages.
- Study for spelling test.
- Finish math p. 10 if not completed at school.
- Finish persuasive letter to Mrs. Putnam. Try to talk her into choosing my holiday to celebrate.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Monarchs Unite!

We do not switch classes on Wednesdays because we have computer class and once a month Mrs. Krebs. It's really nice to have this self-contained time once a week with our homerooms. The time gives us a chance to decompress, catch up, and review skills from a different viewpoint.
Reading: Write a summary of "The Horned Toad Prince"; study for the test tomorrow
Math: Fix/finish math quiz pages 15 and 27
All Stars: Thanks for the jokes Bryce!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
For you regulars, this will not be a surprise, but I am not usually able to update this page until after my first grader goes to bed. I consider it a lucky day when I can blog before 8:00. Thanks for your understanding!
Science News:
Students are working on number sense, especially place value and money.
Each student should be have chosen a fiction book at his/her level to read for the Sept. 28 due date. Please do not wait until the last minute to work on the project. I can tell when someone has procrastinated. Check out the fourth grade website for ideas and more information.
Language Arts:
Journal and letter writing are the types of writing on which we are focusing. If you have a journal or diary, let your child see appropriate parts. I plan to bring my journal to school this week.
Study for reading quiz Thursday
Study for spelling test Friday
Science News:
- A few students did not return their parent-signed safety contract. Please be sure to return that by Friday.
- A few students did not pass the safety test. Please ask your child whether he/she earned higher than an 80%. If he/she did not, the test will be retaken tomorrow.
- Currently, we are working on observations vs. inference. Understanding the difference between observations and inferences is very important both in science and as a genereal reading skill. Ask your child about Professor Xargle and the inferences he/she/it made about Earthlets.
Students are working on number sense, especially place value and money.
Each student should be have chosen a fiction book at his/her level to read for the Sept. 28 due date. Please do not wait until the last minute to work on the project. I can tell when someone has procrastinated. Check out the fourth grade website for ideas and more information.
Language Arts:
Journal and letter writing are the types of writing on which we are focusing. If you have a journal or diary, let your child see appropriate parts. I plan to bring my journal to school this week.
Study for reading quiz Thursday
Study for spelling test Friday
Monday, September 10, 2007

What a great turn out for Dress Like a Bengal Day! The kids and teachers really showed their support for Cincinnati football!
Parents have homework tonight. Students completed their science safety quizzes today. Now parents need to sign the safety contract that was given to and signed by the students on September 10. Safety goggles will need to be purchased by the students by next week.
We kicked off (haha, football term) Rocket Club this afternoon with a very motivational assembly! Mr. Smith went over this year's requirements for admission and a note explaining the rules is in today's take-home folder.
Language-worksheet on subjects and predicates
Science-Safety quiz
Reading-Read "The Horned Toad Prince"; vocabulary p. 34; practice vocabulary
Spelling 50 point activities
Packet-State Dailies, Monarch Butterflies, Spiral Review Math
Science Safety Contract
Today's All Stars: Holly S. made Bronze Scholar. Bryce continued on her quest.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Check the Friday Folder!
It's the end of the week and the Friday Folder has lots of stuff again. This week your child's interim is stapled to the Friday Folder report. Please sign and return both the Friday Folder report and the interim along with any assignments that have been corrected to earn a better grade.
Language-Sentence review worksheets
Study for science quiz on Monday
Work on spelling activities
Congratulations All Stars!
Jenna, Riley, Holly, Lexie, Hunter, and Bryce earned stars on Thursday!
Language-Sentence review worksheets
Study for science quiz on Monday
Work on spelling activities
Congratulations All Stars!
Jenna, Riley, Holly, Lexie, Hunter, and Bryce earned stars on Thursday!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
See you tonight!

In science we have been focusing on science safety. Each student must have a signed safety contract and pass a safety test in order to do hands-on experiments in science.
Science Safety Rules
- Follow directions.
- Read instructions before you begin.
- Don't fool around.
- Dress appropriately.
- Do not eat or drink without permission.
- Use equipment properly.
- If something breaks or spills, tell an adult.
- Keep your work area neat and clean.
- Know what to do in case of emergency.
- Wash your hands.
- Math-quiz tomorrow
- Science-Spongebob sheet; In the Lab sheet
- Journal-letter to parents
- Reading-worksheet 8; finish Buckle Down Lesson 1; study for tomorrow's test
- Language-worksheet 7
- Spelling-study for tomorrow's test
All due tomorrow
- Homework packet
- Spelling activities
All due tomorrow
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
See you tomorrow night!
Check the binder tonight for a letter explaining literature projects and a list of suggested activities. We have spoken about literature projects in class and students have been encouraged to choose a qualifying fiction book as their Accelerated Reader book (two birds, one stone). A qualifying book means that it is at one's reading level and fits the genre, in this case fiction. I would prefer realistic fiction as we will be tackling mystery, fantasy, and historical fiction later.
Math-workbook page 6
Reading-Cause and Effect worksheet 16; vocabulary practice
Language-Imperative and Exclamatory sentences, worksheet 5
Social Studies-finish map
All due tomorrow
Spelling activities
Homework packet
Both due 9/7
All Stars
Holly, Holly, and Lexie were at it again!
Lexie is now a Bronze Scholar!
Math-workbook page 6
Reading-Cause and Effect worksheet 16; vocabulary practice
Language-Imperative and Exclamatory sentences, worksheet 5
Social Studies-finish map
All due tomorrow
Spelling activities
Homework packet
Both due 9/7
All Stars
Holly, Holly, and Lexie were at it again!
Lexie is now a Bronze Scholar!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Save the Date (and the puppies)!

Reminder: We hope to see everyone at the Parent Information Night on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the Elementary gym. This is an opportunity to get clarification on procedures that are new and/or different in the fourth grade as well as get a better understanding of the philosophies of the fourth grade team. This is NOT a conference night.

Yes, it's still hot at school, but we keep plugging away. Today the students presented their science safety information in a variety of formats including puppet shows, skits, songs, and posters. A science safety quiz is planned for early next week. This quiz must be passed

If you have not signed and returned the Gauche Park permission slip, please do so as soon as possible. We like to take advantage of the park's proximity for science and social studies. Also, there were two Highlights order forms in the Friday folder last week. Even if you do NOT plan to order, please take the time to SIGN and return the form. I earn freebies for the classroom for each slip I send in. The book orders also earn free stuff for the classroom. To order online go to Scholastic's home page and register.
Assignments for 9/4:
Math-workbook p. 5
Reading-Read "Lewis and Clark and Me"; workbook p. 13
Both due 9/5
Spelling activities
Homework packet
Both due 9/7
Monday, September 3, 2007
My Job, Your Job, Our Job
Thanks to all who participated in the compilation of My Job, Your Job, Our Job. I have found that listing our expectations for each other and ourselves and then posting those expectations helps us to meet them. Following are the results from Open House (for parents) and the first week of school (for students). My own thoughts are reflected in those of both the students and the parents. Scroll to the bottom of the page for the results.
We also created our classroom mission statement after reviewing the building mission statement.
We also created our classroom mission statement after reviewing the building mission statement.
Our Mission Statement
We, the students in Mrs. Putnam’s class, will create a fun, safe, educational place where we can read, concentrate, learn, be creative, and have fun. We will do this by doing our best, speaking our minds, being ourselves, treating others the way we wish to be treated, listening, and coming to school. By doing these things and respecting others, we will be successful in the fourth grade and prepared for our futures.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Check the Friday Folder!
Friday folders came home yesterday with lots of important information in them. The pink sheet details how to log on to Scott Foresman, the publishing site of both our reading and math texts. If you want access to both online, you must register with the Pearson Successnet site. After creating a username and password, you will be prompted to enter an access code: B850A4E9D4FA5CCC350F. Registration on this site not only provides online access to the texts, but it also provides access to classroom assignments and tutorials.
Reading-Buckle Down Lesson 1 (test preparation)
Math-worksheet 3 (you can only access this page if you have registered with ScottForesman)
Science-finish group presentation prep for Tuesday
Spelling-50 point activities due next Friday. Spelling words are now accessible through the fourth grade website via student links or on the Friday Folder report.

Today's All Stars
Reading-Buckle Down Lesson 1 (test preparation)
Math-worksheet 3 (you can only access this page if you have registered with ScottForesman)
Science-finish group presentation prep for Tuesday
Spelling-50 point activities due next Friday. Spelling words are now accessible through the fourth grade website via student links or on the Friday Folder report.

Today's All Stars
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