Friday, January 30, 2009

More Snow Days

Next week we will follow the plan for this week as far as testing and reading selection. Any work that was assigned on Monday will be due this coming Monday as there should have been plenty of time to work on it!!!

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Sullivan family.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow Day

Our reading selection this week is The Houdini Box by Brian Selznick.
For Houdini magic trick clips, click here.
For The Houdini Box powerpoint, click here.
For Houdini Box vocabulary practice, click here. For more practice, click here or here.

For the cereal box book report template (optional) to use for the February 20 literature project, click here.

In math, we are working on perimeter, area and volume. The following links are review sites:
Tables and Chairs-perimeter
Area Explorer
Perimeter Explorer
Shape Builder
Shape Explorer
Geometry Jeopardy
Area and Perimeter games

In science, we are beginning to study the weather:)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Don't forget, conferences are February 10 and 11 from 3:40-6:30 (this means that the last conference will be scheduled for 6:20).

Other important dates:

Feb. 12: Valentine's Day party 2:30-3:15

Feb. 12: Market Day pickup

Feb. 13: No School

Feb. 16: No School

Feb. 17: OSAT testing

Feb. 18: OSAT testing

Feb. 18: 2 Hour Early Release

Feb. 19: Field trip to Pattison Park

Feb. 20: Literature Project due (fantasy)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

We watched history being made today as we witnessed our 44th president take the oath of office. I am already amazed at the energy, enthusiasm, and yes, change that Barack Obama has inspired in our country's citizens. I hope that he delivers all of the promises he made in today's speech (click here to read it). Good luck to President Obama and to us all!

We will take the practice math OAT tomorrow and the writing test on Thursday barring any inclement weather. There will not be a spelling test this week.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Early Release Today

Don't forget that January 14 is an early release day.

The next literature project is due February 20. The genre is fantasy. While fairy tales are considered fantasy, please consider your child's reading level when choosing a book. Books selected for literature projects should be at an appropriate reading level for your child. An optional cereal box project was sent home for students to use if they wish. Students who wish to create their own project may do so. Lost the project? Click here.

How can parents help their children find books that are not "too hard" and not "too easy" but instead are "just right"?
Five finger rule*
Choose a book that you think you will enjoy.
Read the second page.
Hold up a finger for each word you are not sure of, or do not know.
If there are five or more words you did not know, you should choose an easier book.
Still think it may not be too difficult? Use the five finger rule on two more pages.

*Taken from "Selecting Books for Your Child: Finding 'Just Right' Books"
By: Kathleen Rogers (2008)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Testing, Testing, 1...2...3...

This week students are taking the practice Ohio Achievement Tests in Reading (Monday), Math (Thursday) and Writing (Friday). There is are released tests and a practice test accessible online if you visit the Ohio Department of Education website. The tests will be sent home after they have been scored. Students who earn a 4 on the testing rubric every day of testing will earn a reward on Friday. To earn a 4, students must write in complete sentences, use details from the selection in their answers, and use their time wisely among other requirements.

Rocket Club for the second quarter will be celebrated this Friday. Our Rocket Club Members are Amber, Johnny, Jessica, Abbey, Kyra, Katherine, Haley, Lydia and Terra. Congratulations to these students for having super attendance, great behavior and terrific work habits!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

We're off and running with a new school year, so happy to be here!
Our reading selection this week is Eye of the Storm. For related games and activities, try the following:
Type Writing
Eye of the Storm Powerpoint or Powerpoint
Check out the main character's webpage: Storm Chaser.
Meet the author Stephen Kramer.
Extreme Weather Math Hunt
Severe Weather

Interested in Extreme Weather? Check out this booklist or this one.
Bill Nye likes Storms too.

We are working on measurement in math, adjectives in language, compound words in spelling and extreme weather in science.

Another cool science site: Bob's Place

Thanks for all the birthday greetings and wishes.