We will be reading The Best Christmas Pageant Ever until Christmas break. We are trying something different with this novel unit-each student has received a packet of all of the work that is due when we finish the book in two weeks. We will read and discuss one chapter per day together, but students may work at their own pace as long as they complete the minimum requirements per day. At the end of the book, each student will take two computerized tests on the book-one is an AR quiz and the other is a literacy skills test. There will NOT be a written test on this book.
Literature Projects are due on December 17, but may be presented earlier if time allows. Informational text is the genre for this report. When choosing a text, help your child choose a topic that really interests him/her. If the book seems a bit short, have your child read more than one book. For another copy of the report requirements/planning sheet, click here.
Today's Assignments
Math quiz
Social Studies worksheet
Science worksheet
This Week's Homework:
Next Week:
No spelling :)