Speaking of pirates, we will be attending the new "Real Pirates" exhibit at the Museum Center on Wednesday, October 3. While there we will also see the Omnimax film The Alps. Permission slips will be coming home in this week's Friday folder.
Today we began a new experiment to practice using the scientific method-Thumb Wars. We measured the circumference of each student's thumb and wrist and the length of each person's thumb in order to compare the data and make a prediction about who would be the Thumb War Champion. On Thursday we will form a hypothesis about who will win based on our data and then test our data.
Football No More: Due to a rash of incidents on the playground, there will be no more playing of American football. Also, students are NOT permitted to bring their own recess equipment to school. Equipment is provided every day.
Caterpillar Update: We have been hosting a monarch caterpillar for the past two weeks. Last night "he" went into a chrysalis! When we arrived this morning, what a surprise! The sickly looking caterpillar had formed a beautiful, jewel-like chrysalis! Thanks to all who provided milkweed for our caterpillar, especially Holly!
Math-Study for chapter test Thursday. Text p. 48-49 are for extra credit.
Science-Begin thumb war lab
Reading-Discuss "Coyote School News"; Quiz Thursday
Social Studies-finish Ohio relief map; worksheet