Friday, September 28, 2007

Count Week

The first week in October is one of the most important weeks for public school because this is the week when student attendance determines school funding. While attendance is important every single day, next week's student count will decide how much money our district will receive. To celebrate Count Week, we will have theme days:

Monday-Bengal's Day
Tuesday- Hat Day
Wednesday-Wacky Wednesday
Thursday-Dress Up Day
Friday-Spirit Day

On Friday, every child who has perfect attendance for the week will be treated to icecream!

If it is necessary that your child not be in school on one of these days, it is imperative that you send in a note explaining the absence.

The literature projects were incredible! Ths is the first time EVER that every student completed his/her literature project on time. The creativity of this group is amazing!

Today was the first monthly AR lunch to honor those students who met their monthly goals. As a reward for meeting these individually set goals, students eat lunch in the classroom with me and I provide a treat, usually a sweet. Morgan, Caleb, Nick, James, Jared, and Caitlin all met their September goals! Way to go Star Readers!
The next AR lunch will be on October 31. Students can start working towards their goals now!

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