Twenty students were at school today, many dressed in their Bengal gear.
Report Cards
Friday is report card day! Students who have not turned in at least $10 toward the yearly supply fee ($60) will not receive their report cards.
Reading Buckle Down Lesson 4, pages 47-62
Reading-read The Toothpaste Millionaire
Math-workbook p. 18
Social Studies-work on brochure (in class)
NO Spelling
Homework packet
Choose literature project book.

Literature Projects
The next literature project, a mystery, is due November 2. Ideas include Cam Jansen, Magic Tree House, Hardy Boys, Encyclopedia Brown, Nancy Drew, and the ABC mysteries. These books can be found on our classroom shelves, in book orders, in the AR library, at the public library, and in Mrs. Fetter's library. Mrs. Lindsey also has books in her room.