Our trip to United Dairy Farmers' Norwood manufacturing plant was a great success. Although our trip took longer than expected (stuck in traffic, missed an exit), the staffers at UDF were very patient and there to meet us when we arrived. The students seemed to enjoy visiting the freezer (50 degrees below zero) when their nose hairs froze and eating the ice cream at the end of the tour. Visiting the vat room was NOT a favorite because it smelled like sour milk and sanitizer. All in all, I think it was an excellent tour. The hairnets were just a bonus!
All students were required to write a note of thanks to our tour guide Pat. We are working on writing good letters with lots of details.
This week we are reading a play, Grace and the Time Machine. Our class is doing a great job not reading the stage directions out loud (even though there are long pauses while we read them silently). We will have a reading test on Thursday and our usual spelling test on Friday.
In math students took a pretest on chapter 3.
Thanks to all of the parents who attended conferences. It was nice to meet and/or see you and talk about your children.
Thanks too, to the parents who provided dinner for the teachers! It was a long night, but a worthwhile one.