Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Monarchs Unite!

Judy Krebs, educator from the Clermont County Soil and Water District, will be in the fourth grade classrooms once a month reinforcing science concepts. Today each student created his/her own life cycle of a monarch butterfly after discussion of the milkweed's lifecycle and the relationship between the plant and the animal.
We do not switch classes on Wednesdays because we have computer class and once a month Mrs. Krebs. It's really nice to have this self-contained time once a week with our homerooms. The time gives us a chance to decompress, catch up, and review skills from a different viewpoint.
Reading: Write a summary of "The Horned Toad Prince"; study for the test tomorrow
Math: Fix/finish math quiz pages 15 and 27
All Stars: Thanks for the jokes Bryce!

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