Monday, September 24, 2007

Think Link Testing

Starting off a week with testing, not an easy thing to do, but fourth graders are amazing-they always put forth their best effort. Today's test was a diagnostic test in reading. Its purpose is to show where each student's strengths and weaknesses lie. This will help me determine which indicators to teach and how much emphasis to place on each. On Wednesday we will do the same thing for math. These tests are not graded, but they do give us some indication as to how well each student would perform on the Ohio Achievement Tests if they were given today.

FYI: Deposits for the trip to Washington D.C. must be made by October 8.

Math-workbook p. 15 (We began chapter 2 today.)
Language-Journal entry (We played a game called Baffle Gab.)
Reading-Read chapter 1, 2 in Toothpaste Millionaire. (We will be using a tradebook, not the textbook, for the next two weeks). Complete worksheet.
Social Studies-Crossword puzzle review

Finish literature projects!

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