Tuesday, February 25, 2014


There have been so many things going on lately that I've forgotten to post!  So sorry!!!  
Students are working on individual weathering/erosion/deposition posters that are due on Monday, March 3. 
Weathering, Erosion and Deposition Poster

Weathering, erosion and deposition shape our Earth. These forces break down, move and build up our land. You are going to make a poster that illustrates landforms created by weathering, erosion and deposition.

I. You will create a 3-part poster. This will be made by tracing a circle onto a roll of paper and cutting out that circle. Then you will divide the circle as shown below.

II. Your poster will have 3 sections on the front. Each section will have an illustration of landforms caused by weathering, deposition and erosion. Each section must the underlined landform in each section plus one additional landform.

Section 1- Waves and Wind
Dunes, beach, spit, bay and barrier island

Section 2- Running Water
Oxbow lake, v-shaped valley, delta and meander

Section 3- Glacier
Horn, glacial lake, moraine, cirque, u-shaped valley

These landforms must be illustrated and colored with colored pencils or crayons. Neatness, accuracy and creativity counts!

III. On the back of your poster, you will list and define all of the above landforms You should have 14 landform definitions.  The back of the poster should also list definitions for weathering, erosion and deposition AND explain the relationship among the three.

A grade checklist was provided to each student.  Points will be issued for each required element in addition to neatness, completeness and creativity.

We will spend most of the spring learning about fractions.  The students are decomposing and recomposing fractions as they learn how fractions work.  They seem to have a handle on equivalent fractions and are beginning to grasp comparing fractions.  A huge discussion was had about what a "good" answer looks like as well as what it takes to write a better or even best answer-lots of explanation and evidence!

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