Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Informational Websites
Figures and Polygons
Math is Fun
Interactive Websites
Math Cats
AAA Math
Practice Activities
Sorting Polygons
Polygon Quilt

Perimeter Game
Terms to Know:
polygon: a closed plane figure bound by straight sides

perimeter: the distance around a two-dimensional shape

What You Need:
•One deck of playing cards (Print a deck.)
•Metric rulers (scaled in centimeters)
What You Do:
1.Shuffle the deck and place it in the center of the table. Give each player a pencil, a ruler, and a sheet of paper.
2.Players take turns drawing a card. They take the value on their card (aces = 1, all face cards = 10) and use it to draw a line equal to that many centimeters. They should label this line with its measurement.
3.In the second round, players will draw a new card, then draw another line stemming from either end of their previous line.
4.The goal is for a player to make a polygon by closing their figure with a final line on their third or subsequent turn.
5.When a player creates a polygon, they must also state its perimeter. If correct, they earn 1 point. On their next turn, they may begin drawing a new polygon.
6.The first player to earn 3 points wins.

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