Sunday, February 8, 2009


Thanks to Mrs. Crites' English Page for the following:

* A pronoun takes the place of a noun. Subject pronouns are found in the subject of a sentence; object pronounsare found in the predicate.

* The subject pronouns are I, she, he, you, it, we, and they.
note: "you" and "it" can be either subject or object pronouns, and "you" can be singular or plural.

* The object pronouns are me, her, him, you, it, us, and them.
Note: "you" and "it" can be either subject or object pronouns, and "you" can be singular or plural.

* Possessive pronouns show ownership. Some examples of possessive pronouns are my, mine, her/s, his, your/s, its, our/s, and their/s.

Tutorials and Games
Harcourt School Pronouns
BBC - Personal Pronouns
EZ - Pronoun Games
I Know That - Game -
Fact Monster Explains Pronouns

On- Line Quizzes & Quia Games
Pronoun Poppers
Pronoun Poppers 2

Grammar Rock

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