100% Perfect Attendance! Woo-hoo!
Still need a few more things for science:
glycerin-can be found at craft stores
mint extract
Tomorrow is our field trip to Omnimax. Everyone needs to pack a lunch that will be eaten at The Museum Center. Although students will be assigned a specific chaperone, the movie and the Pirates exhibit do not require us to split up. The bus leaves at 9:00 a.m. and we expect to return around 2:00 p.m. While I understand if you wish to take your child home with you upon our return to school, please consider that there is still over an hour left to our day and I do plan to teach, so your child will be responsible for making up any missed work.
Today was our first Accelerated Reader assembly and we were WELL represented! Many students in our class received the 85% award for achieving an 85% average on all AR tests taken this year. Several students (named in Friday's entry) earned a new certification for September and celebrated on Friday with lunch in the classroom and a special treat. Two students received special recognition-Tim because he is on track for the Millionaire's Club (he has read over 100,000 words this year) and James because he is already in the Millionaire's Club. James has already, in just over two months, read over 1,000,000 words! Every student in our class has the potential to achieve the Millionaire's Club by the end of the year, but most of them will have to kick up the pace. Last year's Millionaire's Club received an all expenses paid special field trip to a tv news studio and a picnic at Eden Park. The goal? To read 1,000,000 AR words by the end of the year!
Math-text p. 74 is extra credit
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