Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Physical Sciences
1. Identify characteristics of a simple physical change (e.g., heating or cooling can change water from one state to another and the change is reversible).
2. Identify characteristics of a simple chemical change. When a new material is made by combining two or more materials, it has chemical properties that are different from the original materials (e.g., burning paper, vinegar and baking soda).
3. Describe objects by the properties of the materials from which they are made and that these properties can be used to separate or sort a group of objects (e.g., paper, glass, plastic and metal).
4. Explain that matter has different states (e.g., solid, liquid and gas) and that each state has distinct physical properties.
5. Compare ways the temperature of an object can be changed (e.g., rubbing, heating and bending of metal).
In math, we started chapter 3. Much time has been spent learning such specific vocabulary as zero property, identity property, associative property, and commutative property. Students were assigned workbook p. 29.We finished chapter 7 in Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing today. Students were then given more time to work on their learning contracts. Since we are not switching classes for the rest of the week, more time will be spent in class finishing up the contract activities.
Please remember that all assignments with grades that are unacceptable may be corrected and resubmitted for partial credit. We will combine the original grade with the fixed grade to get an average which will be posted to the gradebook.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Back to School
Literature Projects-Friday
Homework sheets-Friday
Permission slips and $5.00 for trip to UDF-Friday (trip on Monday)
Today's Assignments that might need to be completed for homework:
Reading-Read chapter 6 in Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, worksheet
Science-In paragraph form, explain to a third grade students what the scientific method/design process is and how to use it. Be sure to include the words observations, hypothesis, question, data, procedure and conclusion IN THE CORRECT ORDER.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Also, don't forget that Thursday is Grandparents Day in addition to the fourth grade program. The first show is at 9:30, the grandparents' show is at 12:00, and the final show is at 7:00. Hope to see you there!
On Friday, the Harlem Road Kings will be at school from 10-10:30 and 2:30-3 presenting an anti-drug program and rallying the kids for the evening game at the high school.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Reading-Chapter 5
Science-Invent Toothpaste
Social Studies-worksheet
Conferences are on November 5 from 3:30-9:30. A few changes have been made. The schedule looks like this:
3:40 Adams
3:50 Putnam
4:10 Perkins
4:30 Shafer
4:50 Fishback
5:00 McQuitty
5:10 Shafer
5:20 Reynolds
6:40 Warner
6:50 Sullivan
7:00 Vogt
7:10 Ansteatt
7:20 Ernst
7:30 Lambing
7:40 Nipper
7:50 Walker
8:00 Trovillo
8:10 Bauer
8:20 Seibert
8:40 Gregory
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Science-write conclusion to today's design process/scientific method
Language-finish Week 3 Assessment and Great Pumpkin Challenge (time will be given for these first thing in the morning)
Reading-Read chapter 4 of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing; do worksheet; work on contract
Finish spelling and packet

Don't forget to turn in field trip money ($5.00) and permission slip for our November 5th trip. No need to pack lunch (unless you usually do), just dress warmly!
Conferences are on November 5 from 3:30-9:30. The schedule looks like this:
3:40 Adams
3:50 Putnam
4:10 Perkins
4:30 Shafer
4:50 Fishback
5:00 McQuitty
5:10 Shafer
6:40 Warner
6:50 Sullivan
7:00 Vogt
7:10 Ansteatt
7:20 Ernst
7:30 Lambing
7:40 Nipper
7:50 Walker
8:00 Trovillo
8:10 Bauer
8:20 Seibert
8:30 Reynolds
8:40 Gregory
Please note that the conferences are 10 minutes long in order to accommodate everyone. If you wish to conference with Mr. Fiore (math) or Mrs. Wood (social studies), you will need to make arrangements with them individually. If the scheduled time does not work for you, if you have changed your mind and do not need a conference, or if you have decided you do want a conference, please email me at putnam_s@cneschools.org as soon as possible. Mr. Fiore can be reached at fiore_b@cneschools.org and Mrs. Wood at wood_r2@cneschools.org.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Rain, Rain
Reading/Language: Read Chapter 3 in Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing; finish worksheet; work on learning contract
Science: Foam test
Guess What?
No spelling next week!
A subscription to The Roar of the Rocket is only $1.00 for the entire year-8 issues in all. Each issue includes From the Principal's Perspective and News Around the School as well as grade level reports and Kids' Page.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Book Fair

Social Studies: Write a legend.
Math: test
Science: Toothpaste Feel/Foam Test
Language: Baffle Gab
Reading: Read chapter 2 of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. Complete comprehension sheet and work on learning contract.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Rainy Days and Mondays
In reading we began a literature unit for the book Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume. Each day we will read one chapter (ten in all) and complete a worksheet guided by the state language arts indicators for fourth grade. During the two weeks we will spend on this unit, each student will also be working on his/her own literature contract. The contract is broken into five sections-one for grammar, one for vocabulary, one for research, one for art, and one for creative writing. Together, the students decided how many activities needed to be completed for each heading. The learning contract will be worked on each day in class and turned in next Friday, Nov. 2.
This week in science we will complete our Secret Formulas unit by inventing toothpastes. We read and discussed Toothpaste: From Start to Finish during science and discussed the feel/foam tests that will be completed in class tomorrow. On Thursday students will do a "clean test," and then Friday each student will invent his/her own recipe for toothpaste.
Because of the nature of labs, students who are absent during a hands-on activity are not able to complete that activity. Instead, they must find a peer with whom to discuss the process and gather the data. Every student is required to take the Accelerated Reader test on Toothpaste: From Start to Finish. For another cool science design process using toothpaste, try this link for extra credit.
During computer we continued googling scientists. On Wednesday, each student will commence research on the scientist of his/her choice.
Reading: worksheet chapter 1
Spelling 50 points
Literature Project (due next Friday)
10/26 Interims
11/1 Grandparents' Day Program/Lunch; Evening Program
11/2 Literature Projects due (mystery)
11/5 Trip to United Dairy Farmer's Norwood plant (sorry, no chaperones)
11/5 Conferences 3:30-9:30
11/6 No School-Teacher Inservice
11/14 Two Hour Early Dismissal
11/16 End of Quarter
11/20 Report Cards
I am in the process of scheduling conferences. If you wish to have a conference with me, please let me know ASAP. If you would like for Mr. Fiore (math) or Mrs. Wood (social studies) to be present, please let me know also ASAP. Conference times fill are filling up quickly, but we want to meet with everyone who would like to confer about a student's progress.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Vehicle Day

My class would not let me leave the parking lot until I rode in Duke Energy's cherry picker, hence the white-knuckled grip. I actually thought the experience was really cool until Mr. Siefert informed me that the only way down was if I got us down. Apparently he has never seen me drive! Finally, I did manage to bump us to the ground.
Thanks to everyone who participated-it was a great time!

We are almost finished being inventors, at least for a while. Next week we will focus on toothpaste-testing ingredients then creating our own. Our next unit of study will be matter and physical and chemical changes.
In reading we will begin reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume. We will spend two weeks reading this book and working on a learning contract to go with the book.
Everyone should be working on his/her mystery literature project!
Reminder: Social Studies test on Monday, Math test on Tuesday
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Harvest for Hunger

Tomorrow we will:
- take a spelling test.
- turn in our homework if it hasn't already been done.
- invent our own flavor of cola.
Today we:
- made observations, created a hypothesis, and designed an experiment to create a cola.
- took a reading test.
- played a game to review the operations in math.
- reviewed for Monday's social studies test.
- practiced identifying common and proper nouns (worksheet 23 and 24).
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Late, but not forgotten
In math the students finished a graphic organizer sorting clue words with the operation that each represents: in all=addition; in equal groups=division; left=subtraction, etc. There will be a math test next Tuesday!
In social studies, we finished a worksheet on timelines that compared how long different prehistoric Indians lived in Ohio. It is not too late to bring in shoeboxes, artifacts, and clay! There will be a social studies test on Monday!
In language we reviewed common and proper nouns. We will not spend a lot of time on nouns as the children have been learning about nouns for years! A worksheet was started in class and should be finished tonight.
In reading we reread the story What Jo Did. Tomorrow will be the weekly test on the selection.
Friday is Vehicle Day and Cola invention day. Be sure to ask your child how his/her cola tasted!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
We were Boo-ed!

Our class was boo-ed today. Although that sounds like a bad thing, it's actually a cute way to boost morale and school "spirit"! Someone left a poem and a bag of treats for the class this morning when no one was watching:) We will continue the tradition by boo-ing another class (or two) soon.
Today's Assignments:
Science-quiz, turn in Cola lab
S.S.-bring shoebox, clay
Reading-read What Jo Did
Tomorrow is an early dismissal. Students will be dismissed at 1:25 on Wednesday.
Friday is Vehicle Day. Fourth grade is scheduled to tour the vehicles from 11:45 to 12:30 and from 1:30-2:15.
Monday, October 15, 2007
October 15
Upcoming Events for Mrs. Putnam's homeroom:

10/17 Two Hour Early Dismissal
10/26 Interims
11/1 Grandparents' Day Program/Lunch; Evening Program
11/2 Literature Projects due (mystery)
11/5 Trip to United Dairy Farmer's Norwood plant (sorry, no chaperones)
11/5 Conferences 3:30-9:30
11/6 No School
11/14 Two Hour Early Dismissal
11/16 End of Quarter
11/20 Report Cards
Math p. 24 (finish 22 if not already done)
S.S. bring artifacts, shoe box, clay
Reading p. 54-55

Spelling activities
Tomorrow there will be a science quiz on the scientific method. Students should be able to correctly identify the parts of the scientific method (question, observations, hypothesis, procedure/experiment, data, and conclusion) when given a lab report.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
No School Tomorrow
Shutterbugs should be taking pictures of "Fall".
Math p. 22
Weekly Reader
Jessica continues with All-Star by completing 4 activities!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Cool Weather...at last!
For Tomorrow:
Math p.21
Reading-Illustrating Idioms; study for quiz
Language-Halloween Safety (complete sentences)
S.S.-Digging for Treasures
Spelling-study for test; 50 point activities
Homework packet
The Friday Folder will be coming home tomorrow, Thursday. It will be due on Monday.
Pictures are coming home today.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Ambience is today's word
Math-workbook p. 20
Science-Cola Attributes and Riddles
Social Studies-Digging for Treasure
Reading-Second reading of Letters Home from Yosemite
Tests on Thursday:
Monday, October 8, 2007
Another hot one!
If you have not sent in the supply fee (at least $10) please do so in order to receive your child's report card.
If you have not returned your child's report card envelope SIGNED, please do so ASAP.
Reminder: There is no school on Friday!
The spelling and reading tests will both be on Thursday.
Reading: read Letters Home from Yosemite with a partner; vocab. p. 44
Math: Lesson 2.5 addition p.19
Language: Simple and Compound Sentences
Science: A Cool Invention
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Thanks to all for taking the time to view this site.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Spirit Friday

CNE students are full of spirit!
Math-Students should correct yesterday's math quiz and return it on Monday.
Science-Students completed the paste labs and turned in the reports. They also created an advertisement to sell their pastes.
Social Studies-Students should finish regional brochures.
Reading-Students finished reading sandwich projects.
Language-Yesterday students chose their favorite journal entries. Today they worked in peer groups to edit the entries. After editing, students rewrote the entries. The journal entries will be graded on the following: Is there a title? Is proper punctuation and capitalization used? Are grade level (and below) words spelled correctly?
Students received their homework packets today because of the upcoming short week. These are due Thursday.
Students do have spelling homework due next Thursday.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Dress Up Thursday

100% Attendance!
Today we finished reading The Toothpaste Millionaire, a story about a young entrepeneur named Rufus and his trusty assistant/stockholder Kate. Students should be prepared to take the AR test on this book tomorrow.

Social Studies-Solar System Grid
Reading-Work on reading sandwich
Language-compound sentences worksheet
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Wacky Wednesday...

Okay, so we were not wacky today. Tomorrow is a different story. Students can choose between dressing wackily (is that a word) or dressing in their Sunday best.
Union Terminal is such a cool building and the Real Pirates exhibit is definitely a "must-see". As my group kept telling me, "Mrs. Putnam, you said the last thing was your favorite!" Time is always a factor, so unfortunately, we were unable to spend as much time as we would have liked in the special exhibit. Had we know about the glitch in the afternoon schedule...
Yes, we were supposed to see the Omnimax movie The Alps. Due to an unforeseeable error (theirs, not ours), a projectionist was not available to run the movie for our 12 o'clock showing. The powers-that-be tried to make it up to us by giving us access to both museums and re-entry to the Real Pirates exhibit. At least an effort was made. Thank you to the oh-so-

Reading-we read to chapter 18 in The Toothpaste Millionaire and completed the cheese and tomato layers of our reading sandwich.
Tomorrow we will finish The Toothpaste Millionaire. All students are expected to take the AR test on this book on Friday. During science, students will invent their own paste using the knowledge and observations gathered from Tuesday's ingredient test.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Terrific Tuesday= Hat Day!

100% Perfect Attendance! Woo-hoo!
Still need a few more things for science:
glycerin-can be found at craft stores
mint extract
Tomorrow is our field trip to Omnimax. Everyone needs to pack a lunch that will be eaten at The Museum Center. Although students will be assigned a specific chaperone, the movie and the Pirates exhibit do not require us to split up. The bus leaves at 9:00 a.m. and we expect to return around 2:00 p.m. While I understand if you wish to take your child home with you upon our return to school, please consider that there is still over an hour left to our day and I do plan to teach, so your child will be responsible for making up any missed work.
Today was our first Accelerated Reader assembly and we were WELL represented! Many students in our class received the 85% award for achieving an 85% average on all AR tests taken this year. Several students (named in Friday's entry) earned a new certification for September and celebrated on Friday with lunch in the classroom and a special treat. Two students received special recognition-Tim because he is on track for the Millionaire's Club (he has read over 100,000 words this year) and James because he is already in the Millionaire's Club. James has already, in just over two months, read over 1,000,000 words! Every student in our class has the potential to achieve the Millionaire's Club by the end of the year, but most of them will have to kick up the pace. Last year's Millionaire's Club received an all expenses paid special field trip to a tv news studio and a picnic at Eden Park. The goal? To read 1,000,000 AR words by the end of the year!
Math-text p. 74 is extra credit
Monday, October 1, 2007
Bengal Day

Twenty students were at school today, many dressed in their Bengal gear.
Report Cards
Friday is report card day! Students who have not turned in at least $10 toward the yearly supply fee ($60) will not receive their report cards.
Reading Buckle Down Lesson 4, pages 47-62
Reading-read The Toothpaste Millionaire
Math-workbook p. 18
Social Studies-work on brochure (in class)
NO Spelling
Homework packet
Choose literature project book.

Literature Projects
The next literature project, a mystery, is due November 2. Ideas include Cam Jansen, Magic Tree House, Hardy Boys, Encyclopedia Brown, Nancy Drew, and the ABC mysteries. These books can be found on our classroom shelves, in book orders, in the AR library, at the public library, and in Mrs. Fetter's library. Mrs. Lindsey also has books in her room.