Monday, December 24, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Enjoy the Holidays
Congratulations to Holly Su, Molly, and Logan for reaching their individual Accelerated Reader goals for the month of December. The next AR lunch will be at the end of January. Keep working towards those goals!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Science Test Tomorrow
The Christmas party begins at 2:00 tomorrow.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Foods to Consider for Science Test

- biscuits
- strawberry smoothie
- cottage cheese
- scrambled eggs
- trail mix
- orange juice
- orangesicle
- toasted marshmallows
- toast
- fruit salad
Math Test Tomorrow
Students also have a social studies test tomorrow.
The informational literature projects were successfully completed today. The next project is due February 1 and should be a biography. Every student in our class was given a biography poster project to aid in the completion of this project.
In science students made pancakes and looked for evidence of chemical and physical changes. Evidence of a chemical change always includes A new substance being formed and may also include one or more of the following: An odor; Bubbles which indicate a gas has formed; an unexpected Color change; a Different temperature; and Energy in the form of light given off. Chemical changes cannot usually be reversed. The key difference between a chemical change and a physical change is that in a physical change no new substances are produced. On Wednesday's test, students will be asked to identify which foods should be on the menu at The Chemical Change Cafe. The Chemical Change Cafe only serves food which has undergone a chemical change. When analyzing whether or not a food can be placed on The Chemical Change Cafe's menu, students must give evidence to support their ideas. For example, trail mix can not be placed on the menu because it is a mixture and has not gone through a chemical change. Trail mix is not a new substance because it can be sorted into its orginal ingredients. Buttermilk biscuits can be served at The Chemical Change Cafe because they go through a chemical change. Evidence of a chemical change in biscuits includes bubbles formed by gas when the biscuits bake, an odor (aroma) produced by baking, and most importantly, a new substance is formed. Once the biscuits are baked, you cannot remove the individual ingredients used in the biscuit batter so the change is NOT reversible.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Mentos Science

No homework packet or spelling until 2008!
math multiplication worksheet
any other work not finished at school (language, science)
Please check interims for missing work.
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
What is a Chemical Change?
Today we...
...took a math test.
...completed our reading tests on The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.
...edited a spelling list.
...practiced action and linking verbs.
...finished reading Frindle.
Tomorrow we will... through 6 different experiments and determine whether the changes are chemical or physical.
...continue with multiplication.
...finish our reading packets. lunch earlier because of third grade Grandparents' Day.
Are you and your child having trouble with multiplication? Try this site on lattice multiplication. It's not the way I learned multiplication, but sometimes it's easier for those who "don't get" traditional math.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Science is Yummy!

We are continuing with multiplication in math and Ohio tribes in social studies. Today we are reading chapters 6 and 7 in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. We will take the AR test tomorrow since we finished the book earlier than planned. Verbs are our language topic and chemical/physical changes are science.
Ask your child about mixtures and solutions in science. Are they chemical or physical changes?
Monday, December 10, 2007
Spelling Bee Coming Soon
Today we:
- read chapter 5 in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.
- created a foldable study guide for physical and chemical changes that we will finish tomorrow.
- learned some multiplication tricks.
- continued learning about tribes in social studies.
Coming Attractions:
- Friday, December14: Homework Packet due; Interims; Discovery Centers (everyone gets to go to LEAP!)
- Monday, December 17: Literature Projects due (Informational text)
- Wednesday, December 19: Science test (Chemical and Physical Changes); Christmas Party
- Thursday, December 20: Christmas Break Begins
January 7-11: We will take the practice achievement test this week.
The school spelling bee will be January 10 from 1:30 until 3:00. Only 5 students from each third and fourth grade class (30 total) will participate. In order to determine which 5 students from our class will represent room 220, we will have a class spelling bee the week we return from Christmas break (January 2-4).
Friday, December 7, 2007
2 Hour Delay

Thursday, December 6, 2007
Snow Days
Today's Assignments
Math - p. 71
S.S. - Northwest Ordinance worksheet
Science - continued working on Changes in Matter stations
Reading - read chapter 3 The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.
Language-power verbs
Tomorrow's Plans
- take spelling test
- do ThinkLink testing
- turn in spelling packet
- turn in homework homework
- other stuff:)
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Rocket Club
Reading-The Best Christmas Pageant Ever chapter 2
Math-multiplication (3 digit by 1 digit) workbook p. 68
Science-Changing Matter centers
Social Studies-tribe work
Anything not finished in class
Please note that there have been some significant changes in Rocket Club qualifications. The majority of the Elementary teachers felt that last year's requirements were not stringent enough for this elite group, so a committee was formed and changes made. This year's requirements are as follows:
- No more than 3 absences.
- No more than 6 tardies/early dismissals.
- No more than 3 missing assignments. If an assignment is missing for multiple days, it will count for multiple missing assignments.
- No red cards.
- No more than 3 yellow cards.
- In fourth grade preparation for classes is also a requirement. Students may not come to class unprepared more than 4 times without consequences. Since we switch classrooms and teachers 3 times per day, students may be marked for lack of preparation more than once per day.
Please encourage your child to be prepared, do his/her work on time, and follow directions. I would love to see every student be a member of this elite group, but it does take effort to achieve.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Meet the Herdmans