Thursday, October 20, 2011

Subject Verb Agreement

In language we are reviewing verbs and practicing subject-verb agreement. Following are some links that may be helpful.
Basic Principle: Singular subjects need singular verbs; plural subjects need plural verbs. My brother is a nutritionist. My sisters are mathematicians.
Quiz on Subject-Verb Agreement
Purdue Online Writing Lab
Literacy Education Online
Self Teaching Unit
SV games
Space SV Game
Verb Viper

Healthy Snack Schedule

So far we have had five students volunteer to be our “Chef of the Week.” The Chef should come prepared with a healthy recipe featuring at least one fruit or vegetable and the ingredients to prepare the recipe for 27 people. We have a microwave and a refrigerator available for use if needed. (Please let me know if any sharp tools are needed and I will provide those.) The Chef should also be prepared to explain how to assemble the healthy snack.


Chef of the Week


Mrs. Putnam






No School




No School





Participant chefs will receive extra credit to be applied to the subject of his/her choice (excluding social studies), his/her photo and recipe featured on the Healthy Snacks web page and in our class cookbook.

It's not too late to sign up to participate!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Welcome, October!

We just finished up our math unit on numbers, their values and various forms. There are a few students who still need to practice basic number sense. When the graded test comes home, parents may want to review the answers with their child. Specific concerns will be addressed at school during intervention time.
Our next math unit is a review of addition and subtraction.
Click on the following links for some practice games: Fourth Grade Math Practice or Gamequarium

The design process (otherwise known as the scientific method) is our focus in science. We are especially exploring the difference between observations and inferences. Check out this slide show for a good explanation: Observations and Inferences. Look for a quiz on the design process early next week.

This week's reading unit is Coyote School News. Below are some study links for the selection.
Slide show-skills and vocabulary
Spelling City-practice this week's spelling words

In 3 weeks we will visit Chilo Lock #34 Park and the Crooked Run Nature Preserve. Look for a permission slip to come home soon.