Thursday, February 7, 2008

Wacky Mismatch Day

The students dressed crazily today from their heads down to their toes! Most of the students have been here every day and are on target for perfect attendance and a treat for Count Week. It is really important that students be here every day, but especially during the two count weeks during the year (October and February) because student attendance during Count Week determines the amount of state funding each school receives. If your child was ill and unable to attend one or more days of Count Week, it is imperative that you send in a note explaining the absence ASAP.

Math-workbook 153 (new chapter)
Science-read p. C17-C20 in the text. Complete worksheet.
Reading-take novel test. Finish all work that goes along with From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.
Homework-spelling and packet